Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Blip

By alfthomas

Recycling Revisited...

... it still needs doing.

Yesterday I was asked

"How come you can make something so appealing out of a pile of recycling? Eh?".

Well I employ a Meerkat, simples. But seriously 'simples' just about sums it up, it is not rocket science but just a matter of looking and how you look. Take the box of bottles, that really, really do need recycling (when I can be arsed to do so), top left of the image. All I have done is to move in really close with the widest aperture that my S100 allows (f2), set on either its macro or manual focus setting, and then just photograph details of the bottles. The wide aperture provides the great Depth of Field which gives a blurred background to the smallest detail in focus, which IMHO creates a much more interesting image.

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