monitoring the situation.. the end of a big day out.

This is a Lace Monitor Lizard (Varanus varius) and all 1.5 metres of he/her was keeping watch on the comings and goings at Wangetti Beach.
Today the lads and I have travelled the road between Cairns and Port Douglas and swum, snorkelled,picnicked and fished ( and yes I caught a fish... miniscule and returned!).
At Wangetti we had the 4 km of beach to ourselves. Blue waters, yellow sand and a back drop of rainforest mountains. Just amazing and what a privilege to be in this beautiful part of the world.
While son P fished, junior and I sort of fished and then followed ghost crab tracks across the dunes to find their hidey holes and played tic tac toe in the sand.

On return to the car, junior spotted the monitor lizard( I sometimes think we channel David Attenborough in this family!).
What a beauty and a treat.

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