
By PhilipC

Bennachie, the End of Summer

From near Easter Aquorthies Stone Circle, Aberdeenshire.
The 'mountain' called Bennachie is in the area known as The Garioch (pronounce this to rhyme with 'beery'). Garioch is taken to mean 'The Rough Howe' from the Scots Gaelic Garbh - rough; iochd - howe. 'Howe' itself is from Old Norse haugr, and means hill or mound. Inverurie is the prime town, Chapel of Garioch a hilltop village overlooked by 'The Ben'. Many think Bennachie is the site of the battle of 'Mons Graupius' where the Romans under General Agricola severely beat up the 'Caledonians' in 83 AD. A typesetter's error in a 1476 printed edition of Tacitus' biography of Agricola now means that we speak of The Grampians. Further trivia wanted? 'Agricola' is the Latin word for 'farmer'. We get 'agriculture' from it of course, very appropriate for this lovely part of Scotland.

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