
Woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep, that was the start to a bad day :( quickly done my exercises and off to walk the dog for four miles. At this point things were going well, popped home for breakfast dropped son of to theatre and we were going to have a lazy morning before heading to the sister in laws house to celebrate her birthday. First off though we had to drop some birthday cake off to dad. He wasn't in but we met him off the bus, then came the call. Leanne's Nan had taken a fall and we were needed over there straight away. After a two hour wait for a ambulance she was in hospital having a CT scan. The results were not good :( she needed an operation but refused. At 86 she doesn't want to be cut open and just wants to go.... Spoke to the doctor later who said it was the best decision for her as the op had only a 50% success rate and then it would be at least 6 months in hospital with no guarantee. So we spent all afternoon and evening with her, she is her funny old self and pumped so full if morphing she shouldn't even be able to open her eyes. At 8pm the nurse came in at the end of her shift to say goodbye and she could not believe she was still with us! We left after midnight and she was still talking and aware. Leanne's parents and Aunty and Uncle are staying the night and we are due back at 6 to give them a break. I think tomorrow will be her last day, That is something she is prepared for. The only downside to passing away is that she will miss "Who Do You Think You Are" on Wednesday it is the last one in the series and she has been looking forward to it. When she said that she made me smile. She is not afraid, she is very brave and upbeat. She is a very small person who has a very strong heart even though she had a few heart attacks over the years! She is an inspiration... Take care Dot going to miss you.

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