Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin


Driftwood can be dead useful ... particularly for beach forts. This one, at Ogden Point, is rather large and impressive. It's got some sort of giant slingshot apparatus on top. I have to say, though, I cringe watching the kids climb across these things. There were about five clambering over it at one point. I have this awful fear of these things collapsing. I know, I'm no fun.

While I was sat here tonight "This is Spinal Tap" popped up on Comedy channel. I've seen it a million times, but it never fails to make me laugh. I've rented the video, owned the video, rented the DVD, apparently also bought the DVD. I rented it once and said, "Fred come and watch this, it's totally hilarious." So he sits down and it starts and he's looking at me all weird and says, "Mum, I have this DVD. You bought it for me." Dear oh dear. What a mother! Won't let him climb on beach forts, but no problem giving him a Spinal Tap DVD at the age of 10.

Christopher Guest has written some fab stuff ... "Waiting for Guffman", "Best in Show". There's a fine line between stupid and clever. I think he's clever.

"Saint Hubbens was the patron saint of quality footwear".

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