My Aim is True



Today was a busy day for spotting and bumping into folks

From across-the-way this morning I spotted Mr Baldy-Former-Colleague, but he was in a hurry, so I didn't stop him. While getting my breakfast roll I spotted Ms Friend-of-a-friend (the one with the money problems) and had a brief chat ("How are you?" "fine, and you", "oh doing away, you know how it is" "yeah, tell me about it").

On exiting I then almost literally bumped into Mr Really-nice-former-colleague-whose-name-I-can't-recall ("Oh, Hello!, how are you?" "great, what brings you down here!" "oh just working over there this morning. Where are you these days?" "I'm over there, a total change from when we used to work at The Boring Place" "yeah, we must organise a night-out with all the others from The Boring Place)

Work, work.

Met up with Oldest Friend , lunch at Book Festival, "yoo hoo Wingpig" "oh, yoo hoo MAIT".

"psst,psst, yoo hoo Mr Like-minded chap" "oh hullo, see you at the next meeting of like-minded people"

(MAIT thinks to self, is that bloke over there in the audience sleepyduck)

Work, work

Fringe - nudge, "who is that? Is it not an actress" "hmm, dunno, don't think so"

George Street - "ARGH!!!! Look! It's Garrison Keillor. ARGH, just walking about like a normal person!"

Princes Street - (mouthing through fast food window) - "Yoo hoo, Mr Former-Colleague" (mouthing back) "yoo hoo" wave.

Fringe Show

After Fringe Show - "Oh hallo, Ms Person-from-years-ago. Are you still in Edinburgh" "Oh hello, yes I am"


In other news; someone has invented toffee flavoured water.. Hell in a handcart, hell in a handcart.

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