Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Knit One Purl One

Sorry I have been AWOL with my comments recently. I have been making this for No 1.

My mum was a beautiful knitter. She always had something on her needles (sometimes in strange colour combinations !! She didn't believe in 'less is more'). If she wasn't knitting our clothes she was sewing them and would save up buttons and buckles and trims to reuse on something else.

I remember she sat up half the night to finish a red mohair cardigan for me - because I wanted to wear it to my school trip the next day. It was the brightest red you have ever seen. She said she didn't have tome to 'press it' (you always had to press a hand knit to finish it off) and put it under the chair cushion to flatten it over night.

That year all my sisters had mohair cardigans in different colours. Although she had a habit of shrinking them in the wash ! My dad's golfing jumpers were eventually passed to us to wear when they got the same treatment. He would complain (but with a smile on his face). I didn't particularly like golf.. but I loved to wrap myself in one of his woolly jumpers. It was very comforting.

Off to bed for me - although I'm a bit scared to put my feet on the ground as I have just seen a massive spider run under the chair !!!! eeek.

nightie night. xxx

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