
By BryanImagining

At least it wasn't a tree ...

It was a heckuva storm. I happen to enjoy storms, but the lightning was a bit intense even for me. Then this big crack! And Bang! And the camper shook.

(Insert verbal expletive here. I sure did. )

I grabbed the flashlight and took stock of the holes in the camper. Huh. Thought for sure I'd find a tree sticking into the camper. Nope. Put a rain slicker and boots on (remember it was still a wicked storm) and went outside. Well, tried to. The awning blocked the door. I managed to squeeze out, and this was the sight. No tree at all. The storm unloaded more rain than the angled awning could shed, and the weight of the water snapped the cylindrical aluminum pole.


We managed to wrap it back up for the ride home. No one hurt. Thankfully, just my camping pride.

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