Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Drawing Hands 2013

Inspired by the original which was drawn by M C Escher in 1948. This guy had imagination and was an accomplished artist in his field.

This proved to be one of my trickier pictures as there were so many elements that had to be isolated, manipulated and then recombined into the final image.

I enjoyed my weekend challenge although I was disappointed with my portrait of a stranger. Could/should have done better.

Had a dream last night. The detail is unimportant and I probably couldn't recall it if I wanted to, but the memorable part was that I was holding a live mains electric cable with bare wires and was very conscious of what would happen if I touched the exposed ends but unable to put the cable down as it was sticking to my hands like cellophane does when you try to drop it. The reason I mention it is that this is one of my recurring dreams. Most of us have them and I'm just curious what triggers them.

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