
By Skyroad

Niche Industry: Mumbai

Near The VT, or Victoria Terminus, the largest train station in Mumbai. I couldn't get any interesting pictures inside the station, though the place was an experience, like everything in Mumbai (or Bombay, as the locals seem to call it). I was in a kind of daze, from too little sleep and general amazement, bombed out by the difference of the place, tripping, high on strangeness. As I passed under an old generous porch, I noticed these turbaned men apparently cleaning ears. I love this kind of thing about India, the niche industries, some bang up to date and others quite possibly medieval or perhaps outside any temporal category. I took a couple of shots but noticed that the man in the car (perhaps their boss) appeared to be glaring at me. Later, as I passed that way again, one of the men tapped me on the shoulder, almost aggressively, shouting something about a camera. I asked if he wanted a photograph. No, that wasn't it. Perhaps they had recognised me and objected to having been photographed, but I walked off and they didn't follow. This incident was unusual because mostly people enjoyed being photographed and if they voiced an objection, as one taxi-driver did, I simply obliged and put the camera away.

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