
By JohnHeuston1

NZ Newspaper ad of the year

Found this ad via @RAPP_UK on Twitter. The ad, created by DDB Auckland for YWCA, has won the NZ$10,000 prize for New Zealand newspaper ad of the year, and was praised by the judges for having a "simple, provocative headline that asks the reader to engage".

I found it especially fitting after spending a bit of time in a class today discussing the best ads by ad medium, in newspapers, tv, radio, cinema, billboard, magazines (and online tomorrow if they're reading). We were approaching it from a media marketing and media sales perspective - if we're trying to sell ads in a particular media, let's make sure we know the media, and principally via creativity and innovation, let's make sure we know the best the media has to offer. The more ads you watch, the better your filter becomes, and the higher you can set your bar. This ad is up there, and it deals with the other criterion we looked at - let's look globally for the best, not just ads in countries we know well.

And finally to the ad itself. Pretty poor state of equality affairs, and a nice take on it. Women in New Zealand are paid 10% less than their male counterparts, or the equivalent of working 36 and a half days of the year for free. Nice bit of research to back the point, and of course one worth keeping an eye on to see if the ad makes a difference, and changes the dynamic.

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