
By Poppy

End of the Summer

Mike spent his birthday sailing Aida round to the harbour so she could be taken out of the water for the winter. It is a momentous and somewhat nerve racking procedure, but has to be done before the really bad weather hits us. This was his last sail of the year. Well, actually he was mostly motoring, due to the lack of wind! (Yes, there are occasional days in Orkney when the air is still and calm!) It was a very misty overcast and drizzly day, but he was accompanied for part of the journey by a couple of dolphins!

Our provisional helper was unable to assist, so poor Mike had to make do with me to give him a hand lowering the mast. Really he could have done with someone a bit taller and stronger, but we managed, perfectly! Andrew Banks, our friendly local ferry operator, craned her out onto the trailer and it all passed off effortlessly, with no problems, hitches or even a raised voice! Phew - that's it until the spring, when we do the whole thing in reverse!

Quick bath and change and out to choir practice. Tonight we started with Vivaldi's Gloria for our Christmas concert.

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