This could've been my contribution to the stranger blip project, had I used the proper itinerant camera.
When I turned over and noticed this couple looking at me while I was taking pictures of their church, I immediately asked them if they didn't mind my taking a picture of them right where they were, standing in front of their lovely flowery house.
'Oh no, they replied, please do, it doesnt bother us at all, you know we had a son, he's dead now, he used to be a great photographer, he even won a prize in Paris once, you should see our corridor, totally covered with his photos, so you see, we're used to photographers but please you're not going to show our house to a newspaper are you, it isn't for sale, you know!'

A devastating slice of life, two wonderful characters still capable of welcoming a total stranger with kindly smiles on their faces, the gentle glow in the woman's hair, the moving position of her hands, the simplicity of her flowers, all this was more than enough for my (back)blip of today, what do you think?

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