
By BabyMaybe

IVF Journey: Third IVF day 29

This is my IVF diary. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for four years now, and have a diagnosis of 'unexplained infertility'. We have finally reached the top of the waiting list for IVF - a form of assisted conception. I'm blogging about what happens as it happens, as a kind of therapy for me and as an awareness raising exercise of what IVF is all about.

So it is a week and a half since I have had the new IVF drug in me, and I must say it has been going very well. I’d say better than the alternative that I had taken the last two times.

With the last drug I felt emotionally ok but not myself in quite an uncomfortable way, and I had no libido at all.

With this drug I feel very close to normal, plus like last time I have had no pain or sickness or menopause symptoms.

The only thing is that (as the last two times) I now feel super tired, physically. I suppose I also feel a bit run down generally. My skin is a bit spotty and my teeth ache a bit and I have occasionally had a blister in my mouth. Plus I feel heavy and seized up, especially if I stop for a bit and then have to try and get going again. I’ve never been a great sleeper but on these drugs I’m tired mid evening and when I go to bed I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Mainly I’m trying to ignore this and carry on with work, exercise and social occasions business-as-usual, although keeping normal sleeping patterns is actually a nice change.

I guess I’d pick this drug again if I needed it and had a choice.

The next appointment is on Friday, to check the drug is working which will be measured by whether my womb lining is very thin. I am fairly confident it will be – my period started on Saturday and lets just say I feel I have been thoroughly purged womb-wise. Ick.

If all is well, on to stage two.

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