
Ro'n ni'n hapus iawn heddiw i groesawu Ngakchang Rinpoche, un o'n prif athrawon, i Aro Ling Cardiff, ble perfformiodd e seremoni bendith. Mae'n teimlo fel dyn ni'n barod i agor ein drysau i'r cyhoedd. Os dych chi eisiau gweld lluniau o sut dyn ni wedi trawsffurfio'r lle, dych chi'n gallu eu gweld nhw ar Facebook.

We were very pleased today to welcome Ngakchang Rinpoche, one of our main teachers, to Aro Ling Cardiff, where he performed a blessing ceremony. It feels like we're ready to open our doors to the public. If you want to see pictures of transformation of the place, you can find them on Facebook.

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