Life through the lens...

By ValC

England's largest single drop waterfall.

And me!!

Not the best of days for a visit to Wensleydale. Dull and damp.
MrC wasn't feeling great either, but we decided to have a day out anyhow.

We have been wanting to visit these falls for a long time. ( on our list!)

Hardraw Force has a drop of 100ft and is the largest single drop waterfall in England.
Accessed through the Green Dragon Inn. You each pay £2 at the bar for the entrance fee!

Turner stayed at the pub overnight when he painted the falls in 1816.
See his painting HERE
The hill side and valley are now covered in trees, but in his painting there aren't any because they had been cut down to provide wood for ship building.

In 1884 the first brass band competition was held near the falls. 6 bands competed.
This lapsed in 1927 but was revived in 1976.
This September 13 bands competed. So the tradition is well and truly alive today!
They now also hold a folk festival in July.

Because of the dry summer there wasn't as much water as usual, but it still was a spectacular site, and we enjoyed the visit.

As MrC was feeling a bit shivery we decided not to have a walk round Hawes, and Leyburn. ( Will save for another day.)
So I drove home the long way round so that we would have a good view of the rest of the Dales.

(MrC had some hot tea when we got home, and is having an early night!. Hope he feels better tomorrow!)

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