Back in the saddle!

I was turfed out of my regular surgery into the cupboard should really be the toilet as it's the smallest room in the place! but it was a small sacrifice as I got to use Ciarans saddle seat. It was like heaven to just sit and be comfortable (especially since me and the new mattress just aren't getting along!). I'm so tired; really didn't want to get up this morning and as a result had zero tolerance for idiots patients this morning. I know I've moaned about people not turning up for appointments, but worse still (and they were in abundance today) are the ones that come and then decide they would rather not actually have anything done and come back another day!!!!! What an absolute waste of time, especially when my days are fully booked until mid November! This afternoon we had our annual medical emergencies training. I remember blipping resusci-Anne last year, so didn't want to blip that again. It was essentially tedious as always. Still, it's done for another year. I may well sleep until then......

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