Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


Today DD is on a trip about World War II and about evacuees.

She was told to wear uniform or an WWII inspired outfit. I don't think we did a bad job by raiding the back of the wardrobe.

As I plaited her hair I did think of all of those parents who sent their children off into a totally unknown world. What an utterly brave act. I am not sure I could do it.

I have four auntie and uncles bought up during the War Years (4 under five years old - eek!). None of them were evacuated on their own despite living in the centre of Birmingham.

My nan was evacuated when pregnant with my Auntie N. She was born in Stratford and she came out like a fish (accompanied by a swishy hand action - classic nan line. ) I don't know when she came back and where the older brothers and sisters were.

Therefore this blip is a thought for all those families whose children were evacuated. What brave people they were.

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