
By janetstill5

Louie and Pumpkin relaxing

A lot of people mistakenly believe that retired greyhounds can live with cats. He's some proof that the 2 cat live together in harmony! Our first retired greyhound, Harry, lived with a very old cat for a few months and then when she died he lived with Pumpkin. Very sadly Harry died unexpectedly at the age of just 5 in July. We were totally devestaed and for a whole week I didnt think I could face having another dog. When our last cat, Lynnie, died it was kind of expected as she was 18 and had had a long life. we were still devestated but it was easier to deal with and move on from as it felt natural.
When Harry died it was very difficult to accept what had happened. After a whole week (!) of me saying I couldn't face getting another dog I changed my mind. I realised how empty our lives were without a doggie companion and there was no doubt in my mind that we would get another retired greyhound. A few weeks later we adopted Louie, from the same place as Harry. He has settled into our lives brilliantly and as you can see he gets along fantastically with Pumpkin!

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