Under The Bridge

A bit of a frustrating morning. I went to take a photograph of the beautiful cast iron bridge built in 1895 that spans Lake Lilinonah at a place called Lover's Leap, but when I got there, it was swathed in hideous orange netting, and had barriers across each end with "Danger Do Not Enter" signs prominently displayed in several places. The bridge is no longer used for vehicular traffic, and is now only used for pedestrians to traverse from one area of Lover's Leap State Park to another.

I walked down several wooded trails in the hopes of finding a better angle to photograph, but the leafy trees blocked the view. There is another bridge (used by cars traveling along Still River Road) that parallels the prettier old span, and one of the trails I took actually went down underneath the road. It was kind of creepy there. Lots of broken beer bottles, graffiti, and rubbish. The light was very harsh, but I still liked the view across the water to the other side. The best laid plans ...

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