Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac


Was at the Scottish Parliament twice today. First to give evidence to the Committee on Rural Affairs and Climate Change, focussing on behaviour change and public engagement. A fascinating discussion - especially hearing the insight from my fellow evidence-givers!

Then tonight to the official reception of SAMH - the Scottish Association on Mental Health - to launch their new campaign called Open Up. It aims to get people talking - that often just gentle, small conversations can make a huge difference to mental health.

There were a couple of outstanding speeches from people who have been helped by SAMH - including one from the awesome Natalie - who's courage moved me beyond words as she shared her powerful story. It was the first time she had ever given a speech - so to do it in the Scottish Parliament, in front of strangers, with such raw honesty and beauty was a joy and a privilege to witness.

Check out the campaign if you can - and find time to #OpenUp

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