
By Cully

Date disaster!

Five years today, five whole years since the boy took me out on our first date. And what a first date it was! On the way to the pub I remember him telling me about his mate who was married with two kids and was incredibly lazy. He told me how his wife worked full time but did everything around the house and that he didn't have to lift a finger, he carried on to say, how this friend had really landed on his feet! I should have left right then. He spent the rest of the night very nervous looking down my top and yawning! He took me home but didn't seem too bothered about a kiss! I was left bewildered as he seemed very interested the night he got my number! Needless to say date number two and three went much better even date four despite serving me up a plate of corned beef hash and making me watch Trading Places! He has his faults but so do I!

Dedicated to the boy who I love lots and lots. Thank you for the flowers, here's to the next five years together, four and a half as Mr and Mrs!

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