"Hello there"

Cuter in large.

It's been a while since I've blipped a chippy, so he won out when I was evaluating today's shots. This little chap was making himself comfortable on an abandoned pile of wood I came across at the edge of the park. I wish folks wouldn't do that but this little guy was making the most of the mess.

It was another (in my opinion) perfect weather day today. A pleasant 65 (F) degrees & sunny and today I was able to enjoy it a little more. :)) Still unable to breath most of the time and easily overexerted, but the fever is gone and I feel a little more like myself. Hallelujah!

I ventured out for a short walk and got images of many birds, beautiful fall scenery and of course this little creature. Up until now, I've been so good about using my monopod that I hadn't ever tried hand-holding this long lens (300mm + 1.4 TC). Today, I forgot all about grabbing the monopod and had to make due. I was pleasantly surprised by the results. The ratio of clear vs. blurry shots is much more favorable with the support, but I managed it just fine on it's own and it was a little lighter to haul around on a mini hike. Good to know what will work.

Well, off to bed soon and another dose of NyQuil... my best friend these days.

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