
By middaypyjamas


My twin brother Jonathan, apart from being a very talented writer (as you will see if you click his name!), is also now a practised crocheter. He took up the hobby after seeing a cousin's beanie that had been crocheted and thought 'I'm going to learn how to do that'! And he did. He's now made a multitude of beanies, so many I've lost count, but they are well made and of high quality as I can attest being an owner of one of those beanies.

I was at his house today as he, my other brother Matt, my cousin Dom and myself all were lucky enough to have the day off and decided to put it to good use and go for a 8km run. What a mistake. No, it was a good run, and along quite a nice river, but the weather was not being agreeable. Wind and rain are not great conditions for going for a run. Nevertheless we battled on, got through it, and were only briefly detoured when we came across part of the path that had been flooded.

In other news we also visited my Auntie and Uncle, Helen and Darren. Apart from having a nice chat with them Matt also picked up his new car, which is beautiful and very much an upgrade from his old excel, so he's stoked. It's also roomy, and has a very high safety rating, which is perfect for the new family he and Rosie are in the process of making. Congratulations Matt.


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