
the players change.. the tune remains the same.the dance is a different one.. im doing the can can and everyone else is doing a foxtrot..makes for an entertaining view...
dear diary sooo much has happened since i last time i had time to write in here.. where to start..
first off,, feel like crap.. work has taken 100 percent of my effort to get through the last week.. the change in season has heralded a virus ,, and it s a doozy.. went with for brekkie with ali this morning (thiursday,, im late again with blip) and couldt eat all of a cooked brekkie... my head was pounding to the point of making me sick..
Wednesday started well enough with a trip into town for a little get together for Annas birthday.. really enjoyed that ...that was people at their best.. what followed in the afternoon was a example of the worse in people....had a guy who in his own mind thinks he sits on some sort of higher moral platform than the rest of us cross a red line... (i have good company in red lines,, obama has them too) This chap took a liberty in which he was not in a position to take , however small it was ...this incurred a response that i make no apologies for ...seens he thought nothing of his actions, he forced us to put him straight...i dont ask people to like or even understand my or our actions sometimes.. but rest assured they are never done without good reason and in the end of the day you reap what you sow , he took liberties then , he taken the same liberty again,, education was needed and dispensed..
Siobhan had a "coming" together with another child at school and a nasty bump on the nugget resulted in a 11/2 check up at the A E last nite... shes fine but better to be that was 2 and one yesterday .. 2 bads and one good event...
thursday, has gone well enough ..should be going out to see "do" a band tonite to be honest dunno if i will...think i might just stay in with ali ....

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