Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


A gorgeous morning in the park this morning - the war memorial was looking magnificent, but I've Blipped it from the front before so we went around the back. Really could have done with the a bit of HDR but I was tripod-less.

A strange Friday for me as I am not off to Merrie England for lunch with Maxine (they'll be sending out the search party for us); instead we are going out for a meal tonight with another friend. We all met at ante-natal classes over 17 years ago, at first there were 6 or 7 of us who met up regularly but it has dwindled down to a real hard core of 3. Talk of sleepless nights and potty training gave way to chats about schools, and these days it'll be driving tests and University applications. There may be some wine.

So I'd better do some work. Blehhh.....

It's ages since I posted a song, I can't think of anything suitable so I just checked out my most played song on Itunes, and it's this. Awesome!

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