Bad photo / good day

Firstly, sorry about the quality of this photo. It looked like it was in focus on my camera viewfinder but I should really have got a couple more.

I was out tonight as my neighbour Ken showed up at the door back on Sunday with spare tickets for the book festival. I couldn't make Iain Banks on Monday but I was really excited to see Neil Gaiman and Ian Rankine tonight. At first I thought it was a strange combnation but it was pointed out to me that Rankin has just done a John Constantine graphic novel.

It was an excellent evening, both were very funny but they certainly gave the woman converting the dialogue into sign language a run for her money. We did all learn how to say balls in sign language courtesy of Ian Rankin though.

Afterwards I queued to get Neil Gaiman to sign my copy of Coraline for Maddy. I'd written Madeleine on the post it the staff had given me (they where giving them to anyone who wanted a dedication.) It was only when I got to the front that I realised she'd moan as she reckons we only call her Madeleine when we're telling her off. Amusingly Neil said he had exactly teh same thing with his daughter Maddy.

I just wish that the focus had worked properly on my camera. I've not used that lens for a while so I'll have to check it out now and see if it's working properly because it should have focussed ok. I thought I'd put the picture up anyway though as it's not every day you get a shot of Neil Gaiman.

Also today I was back in for a second sitting on my tattoo. I'll probably blip it once the dressing is off, but if you want a quick look you can see it here. It's really starting to take shape now. Hopefully one more sitting for the shading then onto the colour work.

Unfortunately, due to my trip to India and a holiday we've booked for the October week it will be the end of October before my next sitting.

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