
By Delightinnature

The Pond Project

As promised here is the update on the pond project. I have now finished all the planting and have put bulbs in too though of course, you can't see those.

The strange thing floating on the top of the pond is a solar fountain which I got for half price in the local garden centre. I assume it was half price because it doesn't work. I appreciate it only works in full sunlight and the sun isn't at its strongest now but I checked with AMS1 to see if hers was working and it was. I will see if Mr DIN can get it to go and if not it will have to go back. That's the trouble with bargains isn't it. If it seems to good to be true it invariably is!!

I'm sorry I haven't been doing much commenting of late. I'm just very busy with work. Still, roll on July. If I had any thoughts about continuing in work, these last few weeks has strengthened my resolve to retire as soon as I can.

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