Life's tangled skein

By atp

Beecraigs Mist

When I left the house to take Cameron to archery this morning, it was so misty I had the fog lights on in the car. Luckily, by the time we got to Beecraigs Park, the mist was largely gone - just a few wisps left to catch the sunlight as it passed through the trees.

Ideally, this photograph should have a beautiful, contemplative girl in a gauzy white dress with warm blonde hair flowing down to her waist somewhere in the foreground... but I was unable to obtain one at such short notice. I didn't even have a decent camera, so all I managed was a cameraphone snap... but the phone did okay.

Now I just need to find a model for the next foggy morning!

Thank you to everyone for their 500th blipday wishes yesterday - I had no idea I was anywhere close to that! How time flies...

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