Boy, you're gonna to carry that weight....

We went out today to buy a table for the room which will be my den/workroom. We see one I like but it is so cheap, I don’t quite have the courage to go for it without thinking about it. Does that make sense?

We say to each other, “Here Comes the Sun……” and walk to the next destination, where we purchase something else we have been looking for since we moved here, a large piece of art for the wall above our bed. It’s a wide wall, but the ceiling is not very high. The painting – quite Something - is some 7ft long and about 3 ft high. It is difficult in the wafting breeze to carry it back to the car. I take one end, saying “Oh Darling, I’ll never let you down!” Good as my word until Harvey turns to cross the zebra crossing when I can’t resist taking a snap of him and the monster.

It fits in the car quite well, so long as I sit cramped in the back. We’ll need more than Maxwell’s Silver Hammer to fix this in place when we get home, if indeed we can get it through the Octopus’s Garden and in through the front door.

Meanwhile I pop into the nearby bed shop; we’ve also been looking for a headboard for months without getting even close to what we picture. Well not this side of a thousand quid anyhow. As I walk into the shop, there it is, the colour, the design, the price.

Problem. The wall is not high enough to take the headboard as well as the painting, unless the painting touches the ceiling, which is not desirable. Although we can return the painting within 28 days, we don’t quite have the nerve to take it back right now.

Same store on the way out, we see a pair of chairs which Harvey has been looking for, for his office. In the sale, excellent price, cool design [faux leather and faux suede dining chairs, you know the sort, comfy, woo-hoo!] but they have to be taken away on day of purchase to get the price. The car is full of painting. And me, squashed in the corner. We should take it back NOW.

Even so, we are reluctant to look wallies by taking it back half an hour after we’ve bought it. Instead, we persuade the chair salesman to reserve the chairs and we’ll go back tomorrow, returning the painting on the way. Phew. Dozy afternoon, as crazy as the lyrics of most of the Abbey Road songs. And we didn’t even get the table we’d gone for. Maybe after I’ve slept on the idea, I can order the table tomorrow. Either that or take a long trek to Ikea….

Abbey Road it ain’t, and there’s only one of him (heavens, I couldn’t cope with more than one!)…… but I kinda like the pic anyway.

The End.

The Abbey Road Album, with its iconic cover photograph, was released by the Beatles August 1969.

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