Poor old Jonty.

Yesterday Jonty was scratching at his ear a lot and it was very red and inflamed. Wouldn't let anyone touch it at first but Marlane managed to clean it with some ear drop solution for dogs.
During the night he didn't seem too bad and wasn't scratching so off I went to the Jet Age Museum this morning, and forgot to take my phone!
Marlane did take him to the vets with the help of Daniel, our son, who gave her a lift.
She, the Vet, said he does seem to have something in his ear but he wouldn't stay still enough for her to have a look so he had a couple of injections and tablets for the next 3 days. It does look quite a bit better this evening, but still won't let us look into his ear, so hopefully when we go back on Tuesday the vet can have a proper look

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