
By AliW

The Cobbler's Wife

Mary Ann invited me to join her and her husband to go and walk up the Cobbler. Once at her house she then told me we would be taken by a guy who was trained by her dad. I should have left then! We arrived at Arrocher in pouring rain and it continued like that or fine drizzle all day. Everywhere else was glorious. Mary Ann kept checking her weather app to inform us there was only 8% chance of rain. Our mountain guide dispensed with the namby pamby tourist path and launched us straight up what was to all intents and purposes a waterfall. Then just as we joined the tourist path he then led us straight up between the Cobbler and his wife. I was quite glad for the mist so I couldn't see how scarily high it was. I did put my foot down as going through the eye of the needle too wet and windy! Not so Cameron though he didn't go to the top. Easy way down thankfully .

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