
By Croft16

Theid mi a ceilidh..

..there was a gaelic immersion weekend in Scourie today and tomorrow. Held at the Eddrachilles Hotel, I couldn't make it today, but will be attending on Sunday. There was a ceilidh tonight though..

Apart fro Alec Valtoss and Susan, I don't know who the others were, nor do I know what they were singing.. But we enjoyed it, a few beers, and some live music, what ore can you ask for? A bottle of wine in the raffle, OK, we won that too, and a wooden saucer and scoop (would rather have had the print od Oldshoremore beach!!)..

The Tom morton is on the radio again, will I stay up till one again, or go to bed and be fresh in the morning? Heads or tails?

music, he's just played this..

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