Bumblebee Sunflower Sky

The morning brought me back to the sunflower gardens to enjoy the company of birds and bees. The goldfinches were at work again on the seeds; hungry little fellows, they must be. I spotted this bumblebee almost perfectly centered on a sunflower. Well done, bumble!

There is something about sunflowers that is both happy and sad. Their sunny, smiling faces can look so uplifting; but for many, they invoke the feeling of the ending of things. When we see sunflowers, summer is on its way out. No doubt about it.

I enjoy the feeling of living at the edge of things. Something is beginning. Something else is drawing to a close. I like to stand and think about the past and muse about the future, happy but a little bit wistful in these days of late summer/early autumn, under a bumblebee sunflower sky.

A thoughtful little song to accompany a slightly wistful blip: Jackson Browne, These Days.

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