an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


went to town over at east austin succulents today. that place has the best deals and the best selection - cannot recommend them more highly, honestly. we have some brand new kids in the flock as a result! a couple of texas natives and some wilder more far-flung varieties. i am going to buy some garden markers soon to get them all labeled with species and their names (i now have too many plants to keep track of their names easily).


today was the beginning of TX Tribune Festival. for the unfamiliar, TX Tribune is a nonpartisan (supposedly) texas independent news outlet. very popular and trendy these days and their festival is all focused on texas policy. where i work is sponsoring part of the fest, so i have a free pass though i have to do some volunteering tomorrow.

tonight: went and saw ted cruz (gross). didn't even bother to show up in person, even though he was the opener - video'ed in. lame!

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