Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Bird Watching Day 2. Not.

Off to the Bird Watching Group this morning. I must say, I was glad the times were changed to 10:30am, as last week - sometimes to get two buses to an unfamiliar place by 10am was a challenge.

Two Spanish visitors were waiting at the bus stop and then got on their bus. After a few minutes, they got off again. I knew what the problem was. You have to have the correct money, and visitors don’t realise this annoying little quirk. I searched all the posters on the bus stop which should inform visitors of our crazy system, and there, in tiny print, it said,

‘Please help the driver by having the correct change’.

Now that is not the same as

‘No change given’.

And there is nowhere you can buy tickets before you get on the bus, as in most other cities. I think a wee email to Lothian buses is long overdue. I tried to commiserate and apologise to the visitors, but they didn’t speak much English. They got a pile of £1s from a nearby shop and waited for the next bus. There may have been bad language, I wouldn’t know in Spanish. But I don’t blame them.

Arrived at the Botanics by 10:20am - it was an easy venue for me today. No sign of anyone… Hung around at the East Gate. Still no sign. 10:30am came and went and the realisation that I had the Wrong Day, or the Wrong Venue, slowly began to dawn on me... I didn’t have the tutor’s phone number on my mobile, as I thought I had…

And so I had a wander round the Botanics by myself. I spotted lots of ducks and coots and watched them for ages. No sign of the kingfisher. Saw lots of squirrels, chomping away on the chestnuts - would have been cute shots if I’d had my longer lens.

Then I came across these hauf deid yellow flowers and spent ages with my head in them. I rather liked the withered petals in amongst the still fresh ones. Then I spotted a few tiny wee bees flitting around in their midst. It was windy, which didn’t help, but I spent ages there.

A heron flapped in and landed on a nearby tree. I watched him for a while, hoping to catch him flapping away again. Silly idea. I know he swooped off as soon as I gave up and left.

Walked home across the Meadows. My theory - and there may be a flaw in it - is that if I have a brisk 20 minute walk leisurely stroll home instead of bussing it, then I can have a Frisky and pick up a small pain au raison as a treat on the way. The exercise will negate the calories.

I checked the Bird Watching meeting list. Yes - Botanics, East Gate. Checked the date. Yes - Monday 30 September. Checked the time No - not 10:30am. To meet at 10:00am!

The tutor has just emailed a reply to my apology. She said it started at 10am last week as well. Hmm. I realise now that it's the Zoo time that's changed...

I shall work off a few more calories by packing a few boxes this afternoon. And there is still JR's delicious pastry just sitting there...

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