By wellsforzoe

Food for a cool morning

Preparing Nsima is a big job at the best of times, but out in the fields....
These are three of the women from my first blip preparing dinner today.
They bring the maize flour, collect kindling and wood from wherever it's available, do the boyscout business and after loads of smoke we get lift off.
Eventually the water boils and with constant attention and stirring, it's ready.
Here they seem to have a 20litre container of it. They laugh when I tell them it's the most tasteless food I have ever eaten. But with a little relish, as they call it (tomatoe, beans or maybe pumpkin leaves), the group of 14 will feel well fed. Maybe Harisen will get some as well!.
When I'm there they make some chipeesfor me.
Nsima is the staple diet of most of Malawi, If they don't have it, they feel they haven't eaten their main meal.
Its a hard life, but if they have food, they're happy. They are wonderful people to work with.

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