Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Wrights Chicken Farm

Mr. Badger's birthday is October 1st - and this year, he wanted to go out to a family style restaurant he's been going to since he was a kid: Wrights Chicken Farm. So we hopped in the car and drove all the way down to Rhode Island to fill his belly with chicken (and salad, pasta, and the best fries!). My parents, brother, sister in law Lika, nephew Mason, and my sister Jess all joined us too. We were all so stuffed afterwards we just wanted to curl up and sleep it off! Happy Birthday Mr. Badger (well, the first part of the celebrations I guess :D).

That 'Lucky Eggs' machine has been there since who knows when. Mr. Badger says it was old when he was a kid there. Matter of fact, I got my first piece of jewelry out of that machine from Mr. Badger - a little copper ring he traded me for the little gadget I ended up getting. When he proposed to me, he took me on picnic. He brought 2 eggs just like from out of that machine. He gave me one after we were finished with our meal. I opened it, and there was a silly little toy inside. He was all "What did you get?" And I showed him, and I asked him what he got "Oh just some silly ring. Want to trade?" And we did ... and it wasn't just a silly ring, it was an engagement ring. The rest is history (or history in the making I should say <3)!

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