This artwork in North Street, Chichester, was created by agreement with the house owner as part of the Chichester Street Art Festival in May this year. There are several other intriguing and wonderful pieces of art around the city after this innovative and dare I say exciting project, some of the pieces inspired by works in the Pallant House Gallery. Now the council in its wisdom has decided the art must be done away with immediately. There is quite a lively ‘discussion’ in town. It seems that the overwhelming opinion is for the artworks to remain, and maybe even have another festival next year, to bring in visitors who might enjoy an art trail with a difference. The council's objections stem from the artworks being in a conservation area and some, like this, on listed buildings. It says it was never intended as a permanent exhibition.

Watch this space. Will it be the council cleaners or more artwork?

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This giant blue fox is by Louise Adams or it could be by an artist called Hitnes. The Chichester Observer can't seem to make up its mind.

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