The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

Backswimmer! number 200!!!

So here we are Blip 200!!! I have to say I have amazed myself by staying the course and managing to get to 200 consecutive blips!
I must confess it has been much more difficult of late, with the insects being in shorter supply, but I am determined to keep on going...if only to hold my own special year book in my hot little hands!
When I got to Blip 100 I said blip had changed my life, well since then it has carried on changing, and I look at each and everything in life with a view to it's blip potential these days, which in reality has meant I am paying so much more attention to the things that surround me, and seeing new beauty every day!
I am also visiting more places....soo exciting
Today's 'special' blip is of a Greater Water boatman (at least I think it is!) I found this little beauty while I was dipping the departmental pond hoping to find a nice supply of invertebrates to show at open evening tomorrow.
Sadly this and a snail was all the pond had to offer, but I wasn't sad as he is beautiful.
These water boatmen sit at the top of the pond sensing the vibrations of their passing prey. They swim upside down, propelled by their two long legs which paddle like oars hence the common name.
I like this shot as you can see the fringe of hairs along the edge of the legs, helping the paddles to work more effectively.
Thank you all so much for dropping by, and leaving such lovely comments, it really is heart warming.

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