A Day At The Golf

Well I shouldn't have bothered you can look and talk the part then you play shit ! lol well that was how it went today at least my new green shirt looked Nice but I sprayed my balls all over the place losing at least foive that I can recall losing some in the farmers fields and I lost two of my balls to water hazards but it was a round of two halves as I was 18 shots better the second nine holes here at Harburn Golf Club in West Lothian as I stand on a replica Swilken Burn Bridge like the 18th hole at St Andrews so it was a bit of a rush this morning before meeting up with my brother Alan who took this shot of me but I still enjoyed it but for some reason I just could not get into my game today which is unusual but that's life as they say and I will still enjoy my week off work anyway movie for the day is "Tin Cup 1996" See Ya

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