Last day :-(

Well the last full day arrived and disappeared too quickly! We stayed by the pool for most of it, but moved down to the quieter end - the kids pool had got far too busy!

Lottie and her little friend were jumping into the pool having a whale of a time, and she finally decided to go to kids club in the afternoon!! We took advantage and yes, that's right, got some packing done!! We investigated the roof terrace but it was a bit too quiet up there.

We collected Lottie and took her and her friends for an icecream, had a last swim and slide then went to get ready for dinner. I was determined to catch a sunset so I rushed down the road all dressed up - it was worth it!

Found out that if I signed up to the H10 club I got two free cocktails and some chocolates so sorted that out and enjoyed the last night of the holiday - apart from the rather loud Michael Jackson tribute!

The evening ended in tears - I think Lottie got overtired, got upset about my dad, then upset because she had to say goodbye to Cady!

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