
There was a major Partaaaay! across the street with everyone dressing up as someone from a book. Gordon is Danny from The Bash Street Kids, a Leo Baxendale classic from The Beano that I've admired all my life and now Gordon has caught the bug. Many years since Mr Baxendale drew the strip, his style lives on. Rather like Dudley Watkins and Oor Wullie, the style copied by the current generation. And of course both published by D. C. Thompson, based in Dundee where I grew up.

Katie is a more generic Fairy Princess, and the effort she put into decorating that mask earned her the "best girl" prize she won from the little chap whose 9th birthday party it was.

I found an amazing ZX Spectrum emulator on the interweb and now Duncan is taking great delight in playing all the games I played at his age. Put together with his adoption of my Michael Moorcock collection of books, and he's sharing a lot of my enthusiasms as well.

But all of that was trumped by the arrival of a big box from Amazon containing GTA V. Wow, I'm not really one for modern video games but this is phenomenal. Yes, it's violent and the language is foul, but put that aside and what fun. We're 2% through it and already it's the major topic of conversation. I couldn't deny them this, everyone in school will have it and they'll remember it all their lives.

Also, I was working at the next bank of desks when the first GTA was being written in Dundee. I was writing a video game that got good reviews but poor sales, they were working on a classic. You can never tell at the time.

Continuity throughout the day!

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