
By tadpoleview

The end is nigh!

These aircraft have certainly seen better days, and their end is nigh! They are in the scrapping area at Kemble (or should I say Cotswold) Airport and are gradually having all the re-useable parts removed before being broken up . I guess the metal could well end up as a lot of baked bean cans or similar in due time!

They have reached the end of an era and will be used for different purposes in the future. We too go through different phases in our lives, when what we do and how we 'serve' is up for change. Hopefully (and usually), not as drastic as the change for these aircraft, but change nevertheless.

Some of these changes take place over a period of time, others may be more immediate. For instance the change that comes about when one ceases to have the primary care for children who have grown up and 'left the nest', and are now (theoretically at least) independent adults. Then there's the change when one changes from that state into a grandparent with all the joys and possibly trials, that that brings. Or from paid employment into retirement and the list goes on.

One thing is sure, change is here to stay, and its a lot better than stagnation!

Enjoy your week fellow blippers and readers, next week is likely to be different!

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