
By megssw17

Walk to school Month

I wouldn't usually use blip for my own personal agendas but this is one I feel very strongly about: Too many kids arriving at school in cars. Many are coming just round the corner ... I'm no angel, we occasionally nip in the car, but if we do we park a couple of streets away and walk. I cannot bear parents parking on doubles, school crossings all so their darlings are as near to school as possible (I particularly aim this to the secondary school kids right next door to our primary). This month it is Walk to School promoted by Living Streets. The benefits of walking to school are numerous: - exercise - quality time with your child - less cars, less pollution! - a feel of community as people see kids walking to school. Come on - even if it just once a week. Or you park a little further away and walk the rest - you can do it! Today we scooted. Tomorrow bike ? Walk? Jog? The world is our oyster!

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