Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

Birthday celebrations...

This picture was taken about two minutes into my birthday with my new toy, the lensbaby. The fact that it was just after midnight did influence the choice of image as I'm feeling lazy today. The fuzzy person on the left is a very dear friend and on the right is my brother. We were some hours into birthday celebrations by then. The lovely man, some of my friends, two of my brothers and my niece, conspired to spoil me. I came away with huge swag bag of lovely pressies and a lot drunker! It was a really lovely night.

Today I am being spoiled by a certain duck and am having a very lazy day. It's funny taking shots of people drinking using the lensbaby. It kind of adds to the sense of drunkenness. Here are a few more of the lensbaby images I liked from last night:

My lovely niece

A certain lovely man

The same lovely man but a different shot - possibly my favourite lensbaby shot.

Have a great Sunday blippers!

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