
By cracker

Night swim!

This morning Spence, Joti, Kyle (a boy who is staying next door with his grandparents and comes over to our house every day wanting to play with Spence) and I went over to Fleur's house and then we all walked down to Moffat Beach and went 'treasure hunting' (Geocaching)! Fleur had never heard of it and we have only been once since living up here!

The boys all loved it! We went hunting for two of them and found them both! We also saw some whales swimming by whilst we were looking for the second treasure so that was a bonus!

We walked back to Fleur's house and then we all went for a swim in her pool which was lovely and warm!

Fleur had to work in the afternoon so we went home for lunch and then Craig dropped Teddy over at about 3 for a sleep over! When he arrived there was already five other kids here from in the street so it was like a daycare centre! The other kids left then Spence and Teddy could play, we had dinner and then the boys wanted to go for an after dinner night swim! Joti of course wanted to as well so I stripped her off and she had a great time!

They all got in the warm bath straight after and are all sleeping now!

I have put up some photos of our camping trip which we loved!

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