Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol


I have worked hard today to get my bedroom lovely and clean. Sheets all changed, and I am about to have a bath for the first time in months. Not how it sounds - I do shower occasionally. Dimairt had a great time running up and down in the garden woofing at the tourists. Unbeknownst to me, the heavens had opened and turned the garden into a mudbath. He then ensconced himself on the newly changed bed. Disappointment no.1

Aargh - washing hung out, now it will have to stay out for the next week, according to the BBC, as it does not plan on stopping raining till next weekend.
Disappointment no.2

Ready for the bath? Helps if you have put the immersion on.
Disappointment No.3

I am watching the brilliant "Jam and Jerusalem", having a laugh, and then noticed that one of the old wifies is wearing a pair of specs that looks suspiciously like my new specs, purchased only yesterday....
Disappointment No.4

But what's the worst? Going on Blip, and discovering that I missed my own red balloon day yesterday. 730 blips. A lot of gaps in the second year, but still enjoying this brilliant site.

Water should be hot now - fire lit, kettle on, bathtime!

Night all.

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