
By Cully

Happiness is a cigar called Montecristo Habana

Had a lovely evening catching up with friends who have just got back from Cuba. Despite me going on at them about doing a blip diary they still refuse so here's a few facts we have learnt today about Cuba:

1) All Cuban people are friendly even the ones that invite you into their concrete flat full of counterfeit cigars, guarded by a lady dressed like a prostitute.

2) Their hospitals are very small and a little grim but the staff are very good despite the doctor also being the receptionist.

3) If you come across a suspicious looking man in a park don't worry he isn't dealing drugs just Tupperware boxes.

4) The Cuban crisp selection is limited and the onion flavoured balls are seriously hard.

5) It is impossible to leave the country without a suitcase full of local tat (we were lucky we got cigars and not maracas).

And we thought our holidays were eventful.

Cheers for the cigars guys, the boy is saving the fat one for our big day!

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