
Thanks everyone for kindly voting this 500th entry into the spotlight!

Today is not only World Animal Day, it's also the 500th entry of my photographic Blip show.

For this occasion I thought it would be nice to combine something with animals and the number 500, and I recalled that I had seen just the thing that would do the trick.

This old promotion Fiat 500 (Cinquecento in Italian) from Circus Herman Renz that I had spotted on the road some months ago and the nice things of a circus is that they have a website stating where they perform every day ;-)

If you now compare this photo with yesterday's shot you can spot all the ingredients of preparation already in that shot.

The car but in a slightly higher angle, the numbers awaiting against the wall to be fetched by the chrome shop, the curtains painted on the containers and even a poster of the tiger!

It wasn't an easy montage, but it was a great exercise to create, even the 3D chrome numbers that are basically just a normal type in photoshop ;-)

Large is so much nicer! Just press the 'L' key or magnifying glass!

PS. I also featured a Delft Blue Fiat 500 on my actual - but 'unofficial' - 365 blip on may 1st 2013, so felt nice to continue the act ;-))

PS2. Don't forget to be extra nice for animals today!

World Animal Day is celebrated each year on October the 4th. It started in Florence, Italy in 1931 at a convention of ecologists. On this day, animal life in all its forms is celebrated, and special events are planned in locations all over the globe.

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